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Elastic bandages come in many different sizes and lengths. These bandages are sometime called elastic "roller" bandages, and are sold under brand names such as ACE® wrap. Elastic bandages come in rolls with metal clips, tape, or Velcro® to fasten them in place. You can buy them at a medical supply, grocery, or drug store. Your caregiver can help you choose the best bandage for you.
Why do I need it?
An elastic bandage puts gentle pressure on the tissue around an injury. It also gives support to the injured area. You may need an elastic bandage for one or more of the following reasons:
To help decrease pain and reduce swelling of an injured area.
To hold wound bandages in place.
To wrap around an arm or leg splint during healing.
To improve blood flow to a limb like an arm or leg.
To hold cold or hot packs in place on a body part, such as an arm.
How do I use an elastic bandage?
Ask your caregiver to show you how to wrap the bandage. The following example may help you learn how to wrap an elastic bandage around an ankle. These directions may also be used to wrap the bandage around a hand, wrist, elbow, or knee.
Hold the bandage so that the roll is facing up. This way, bandages containing Velcro® face the right way and stick to the bandage when you finish wrapping.
Start the loose end of the bandage on the top of the foot.
Hold the loose end of the bandage in place with one hand. With the other hand, wrap the bandage in a circle twice around the foot. Always wrap the bandage in the direction of outside (little toe side of foot) to inside (big toe side of foot).
Overlap the elastic bandage by one-half to one-third of its width each time you go around.
After the foot has been wrapped twice, move your hand to the heel.
Wrap the bandage moving up toward the ankle. The bandage should be wrapped in a spiral way, like making a "figure 8". Leave the heel uncovered.
Cross the bandage over the foot, moving upward, and pass it behind the ankle.
Move the bandage down and cross it over the top of the foot.
Wrap the bandage under the foot to complete the "figure 8". Repeat this one more time.
Pass the bandage around your calf and start wrapping it in upward circles toward your knee. Stop wrapping below the knee. You do not need to wrap the bandage down the calf again.
Fasten the end to the rest of the bandage with tape, metal clips, or Velcro®. Do not fasten metal clips on a bandage where there is a skin fold or crease, such as under the knee.
What can I do for safety and comfort?
Do not to wrap the bandage too tight because it may cut off blood flow.
To help with blood flow, take off the bandage at least two times a day if okay with your caregiver. Leave it off for a few minutes and wrap it again. Ask your caregiver if you should take off the elastic bandage at night.
If you have numbness (loss of feeling) or tingling under the elastic bandage, remove the bandage. Gently rub the area. Rewrap the bandage when the area feels better.
If the part of your body with the elastic bandage becomes cold or turns blue, remove the bandage.
You may want to have an extra elastic bandage. Then you can wash one when it gets dirty and have the other elastic bandage to use.
Call your caregiver if:
You have pain or cramping on the body part where the bandage is wrapped.
You have tingling or numbness that does not go away after removing the bandage.
The skin around the bandage looks blue, pale, and feels cold.
You see redness that was not present when the bandage was first applied.
Care Agreement
You have the right to help plan your care. To help with this plan, you must learn about your illness, injury, or surgery, and using an elastic bandage. You can then discuss your treatment options with your caregiver. You can work with them to decide what care will be used to treat you. You always have the right to refuse treatment.
The above information is an educational aid only. It is not intended as medical advice for individual conditions or treatments. Talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist before following any medical regimen to see if it is safe and effective for you.