'2016/09/02'에 해당되는 글 2건

  1. 2016.09.02 usual ductal hyperplasia
  2. 2016.09.02 뉴스포티지 가속 불량- EGR밸브 이상,


Topic: usual ductal hyperplasia?

Forum: Not Diagnosed but Worried —

Meet others worried about developing breast cancer for the first time. PLEASE DO NOT POST PICTURES OF YOUR SYMPTOMS. You are encouraged to seek advice from a medical professional in the event of any concerns.

Posted on: Oct 27, 2008 07:03PM

chezshoes wrote:

Hello again! I had my biopsy last week, and the results were benign. However, I'm a little concerned about the details of my pathology report, and was wondering if anybody could offer input.

Here's the diagnosis: Benign breast tissue with fibrocystic changes comprised of large caliber cysts lined by metaplastic apocrine cells, in addition to foci of usual ductal hyperplasia. No in situ or invasive malignancy is identified.

All good news, except - according to Mayo Clinic, "The term "usual ductal hyperplasia" describes breast tissue with an increased number of benign cells within a milk-collecting duct. This tissue type doubles a woman's risk of eventually developing invasive breast cancer."

As you might imagine, that last sentence worries me. I'm also a little concerned that when my gyno called to give me the path report, he didn't mention anything about that.

Anyone else ever experience a similar diagnosis? I'm tempted to pay out of pocket for a second opinion, but since I'm not exactly wealthy, it would be a huge hardship. 

Thanks, as always, for your help!

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Oct 28, 2008 07:45AM Beesie wrote:


Ductal hyperplasia does double your breast cancer risk as the Mayo Clinic site says, however ductal hyperplasia is not considered to be a pre-cancerous or "high risk" condition.   It's all related to how risk is calculated. 

You are probably familiar with the commonly mentioned fact that 1 in 8 women will get breast cancer during their lifetime.  Another way of saying the same thing is to say that the lifetime risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer for the average woman is 12.7%.  The 'average' woman in this statement is in fact a blend of all women - those who have no risk factors, those who have some risk factors and those who are very high risk.  However, when individual risk is assessed - your own personal risk level - it is built up from base risk, not average risk.  Base risk is the risk level for all women before any personal risk factors are considered.  The numbers I've seen for base risk range from 4% to 6%.   So that's your starting point.  That's the starting point for all of us.  In your case, it's now known that you have ductal hyperplasia.  This doubles your risk.  So this means that your lifetime breast cancer risk may now be in the range of 8% to 12%.  If this is your only personal risk factor, your risk level is still below the average.  If you have other personal risk factors, adding ductal hyperplasia may take you up above the average.  But ductal hyperplasia alone does not put you into a 'high risk' category.

I hope my explanation is clear and I hope it eases your mind.  One other point.  The risk numbers that I gave you are lifetime risk numbers - total breast cancer risk up to the age of 90.  Risk varies by age - it's lower when you are younger and higher when you are older.  The average annual risk level of someone in their 30s is only 1 in 233, or 0.43% for the entire decade of their 30s, or 0.043% per year.  The average annual risk level of someone in their 60s is 1 in 27, or 3.65% for the entire decade of their 60s, or 0.365% per year (i.e. less than a 1/2 percent per year).  These are the average numbers again, not base risk, but if your ductal hyperplasia has put your risk level at around the average, these would be approximately your annual risk levels.  http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/factsheet/Detection/probability-breast-cancer

Hope that helps!

Dx 9/15/05, DCIS-MI, 6cm+ Gr3 DCIS w/IDC microinvasion, Stage IA, 0/3 nodes, ER+/PR- “No power so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear.” Edmund Burke
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Oct 28, 2008 09:51AM chezshoes wrote:

Beesie, thank you so much. You worked out exactly what I was trying to figure out on my own - how much this raises my risk factor, which is already on the higher side (early menstruation, choosing to be childless, family history). I guess it's all about close monitoring and not skipping those mammograms from here on!

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Oct 28, 2008 01:26PM leaf wrote:

I thought the risk of atypical  hyperplasia was quite a bit more than plain hyperplasia.

Breast cancer is characterized by the overgrowth of abnormal cells, a multistep process called carcinogenesis. The process begins when normal cell development and growth become disrupted, causing an overproduction of normal-looking cells (hyperplasia). Atypical hyperplasia occurs when the excess cells stack upon one another and begin to take on an abnormal appearance. The abnormal cells can continue to change in appearance and multiply, evolving into noninvasive (in situ) cancer, in which cancer cells remain confined to the area where they start growing. Left untreated, the cancer cells may eventually become invasive cancer, invading surrounding tissue, blood vessels or lymph channels. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/atypical-hyperplasia/DS01018/DSECTION=causes

Also you may want to see http://www.pathologyoutlines.com/breast.html#epithelialductalhyperplasia

Also, note that if you have multiple risk factors, that does NOT necessarily means you can add the various risks together to get your risk.  If you have a risk A of 5% and a risk B of 8%, your total risk may be 13%, but it may be 5% or 20%.  You have to compare your list of risk factors to the populations that have your same risk factors.

Classic LCIS.If knowledge can create problems, it is not through ignorance that we can solve them- Isaac AsimovDx 12/8/2005, LCIS, ER+/PR-Surgery 1/24/2006 Lumpectomy: LeftHormonal Therapy 7/15/2006 Tamoxifen pills (Nolvadex, Apo-Tamox, Tamofen, Tamone)
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Oct 28, 2008 01:35PM chezshoes wrote:

That's part of my confusion - I had heard of atypical hyperplasia as a risk, but was surprised to find that anything with "usual" in its name still added to risk. Thank you for the links and for the clarification about risk factors!

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Oct 28, 2008 01:39PM PSK07 wrote:

Thanks, leaf. I'm sitting here in my low-BP haze wondering the difference between "usual" ductal hyperplasia and "atypical". Like, if atypical is atypical, then usual has to be ok?

I'm waiting for my path from my surgery this past Friday. Hoping there wasn't anything beyond the LCIS and ALH.

Pam - adding LCIS & ALH to the mix, 8/25/08Dx 8/3/2007, DCIS, <1cm, Stage 0, Grade 2, 0/0 nodes, ER+/PR+
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Oct 28, 2008 01:41PM leaf wrote:

It sure makes it confusing when they have multiple names for one lesion.

ALso, note that 'fibrocystic disease' of the breast is extremely common.  Its so common, that many people consider it a 'wastebasket diagnosis' - this means that they call many things that are benign a 'fibrocystic' change.www.mayoclinic.com/health/fibr...

Classic LCIS.If knowledge can create problems, it is not through ignorance that we can solve them- Isaac AsimovDx 12/8/2005, LCIS, ER+/PR-Surgery 1/24/2006 Lumpectomy: LeftHormonal Therapy 7/15/2006 Tamoxifen pills (Nolvadex, Apo-Tamox, Tamofen, Tamone)
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Oct 28, 2008 04:47PM Beesie wrote:

Atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) is a further progression from ductal hyperplasia.  ADH is a high risk condition.  Whereas usual ductal hyperplasia increases risk by about double, atypical ductal hyperplasia increases risk by 4 - 5 times.  So this means that for someone with no other significant risk factors, a diagnosis of ADH would put their lifetime BC risk level in the range of about 20% - 25%.  That's high risk, but it still means that 75% - 80% of women who have ADH (and no other significant risk factors) won't ever get breast cancer.  I didn't mention ADH or the associated risk in my original post because chezshoes' pathology report was very clear in saying that she had "usual ductal hyperplasia.  chezshoes, don't start worrying now that your ductal hyperplasia will progress to become ADH. Wink  

The following website from ACS includes a good explanation of hyperplasia and the risk levels associated with the various types of hyperplasia. 

Based on how the cells look under the microscope, hyperplasia may be grouped as:

  • mild hyperplasia
  • hyperplasia of the usual type (without atypia) -- also known as usual hyperplasia
  • atypical hyperplasia -- either atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) or atypical lobular hyperplasia (ALH)

A woman with mild hyperplasia is not at increased risk for breast cancer. A woman with usual hyperplasia has a slightly higher chance of developing breast cancer. The risk is 1½ to 2 times that of a woman with no breast abnormalities. The risk for a woman with atypical hyperplasia is 4 to 5 times higher than that of a woman with no breast abnormalities.  http://www.cancer.org/docroot/CRI/content/CRI_2_6X_Non_Cancerous_Breast_Conditions_59.asp

And in the picture below you can see how breast cells change as they go from normal to ductal hyperplasia (minor increased risk) to ADH (pre-cancerous high risk) to DCIS (Stage 0 breast cancer) to DCIS with a microinvasion (early Stage I breast cancer) to IDC (invasive breast cancer, Stages I - IV).

Range of Ductal Carcinoma in situ

Dx 9/15/05, DCIS-MI, 6cm+ Gr3 DCIS w/IDC microinvasion, Stage IA, 0/3 nodes, ER+/PR- “No power so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear.” Edmund Burke
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Oct 28, 2008 05:42PM PSK07 wrote:

Thanks, Beesie. That makes much more sense to me.  The pictures, as usual, tell the tale.
Pam - adding LCIS & ALH to the mix, 8/25/08Dx 8/3/2007, DCIS, <1cm, Stage 0, Grade 2, 0/0 nodes, ER+/PR+
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Nov 1, 2008 08:15AM - edited Nov 1, 2008 08:15AM by BessB


The picture is a great example.  I was diagnosed with ADH after years of abnormal mammograms.  Since I had previous blood clots I could not take Tamoxifan.  The docs felt that I was "progressing" so when I inquired about PBM there were no questions asked.  In January 08 I had a bi-lateral w/DIEP reconstruction and I have never looked back.  Your picture shows how ductal hyperplasia can progress.   For some it will never progress - but for me it did.  I kept getting too many clustered microcalcifications and I did not want to just sit and wait any longer.  I was comfortable with the fact that I had time to make the decision.  Good luck to you PS:) - Bessie

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Nov 1, 2008 02:47PM Beesie wrote:

Bess, I'm glad that you are comfortable with your decision but I think a very important point for everyone else reading this to understand is that for most women, ADH will not progress.  Usual ductal hyperplasia, which is the condition that chezshoes asked about, is not considered a 'high risk' condition and women who have this condition generally are at no greater breast cancer risk than the average population.  Generally no action is required for those diagnosed with usual ductal hyperplasia.  As for ADH, although it is considered to be a 'high risk' condition, the majority of women who have ADH will never be diagnosed with breast cancer.  Even Tamoxifen is not usually recommended for ADH women, unless they have other risk factors as well.  So while your decision was right for you, I certainly wouldn't want any other woman out there who is newly diagnosed with either ductal hyperplasia or ADH to be thinking that she should be considering having prophylactic bilateral mastectomies. Unless there are specific reasons why their doctor believes that they are at higher risk, the only action that's necessary for most women with ADH is that they be more vigilant in their screening, possibly by having more frequent screening or by adding extra screening tools (MRIs, for example) into the mix.
Dx 9/15/05, DCIS-MI, 6cm+ Gr3 DCIS w/IDC microinvasion, Stage IA, 0/3 nodes, ER+/PR- “No power so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear.” Edmund Burke

Posted by 돈오돈오
EGR 밸브 이상... 점화플러그

질문] 엑셀 밟아도 차가 잘 안나가는 느낌이라면..?
 2009-07-30 09:15:15

엑셀을 밟아도 차가 잘 안나가는 느낌이 드는데요. 특히 언덕 올라갈때..

차량 어디를 살펴봐야 할까요? -_-;;;

누적 33천Km 정도 주행한 아방XD 오토 유저입니다.
 2009-07-30 09:41:15

출력이 딸리는건 굉장히 다양한 원인이 있기때문에 한가지를 찍어 말할 순 없지만 주로 많이 거론되는 것들부터 살펴봐야 합니다. 하지만 스캔장비가 있어야되기 때문에 정비센터를 방문하시는 것이 좋겠죠. 

첫번째로 에어플로우 센서의 고장일 수 있습니다. 공기의 흡입량을 감지하는 것인데, 고장이 나면 공기량을 적게 감지해서 연료를 조금만 분사하게 되면 출력이 떨어집니다. 

두번째로 쓰로틀포지션센서(TPS)의 고장... 운전자의 엑셀밟는 양을 감지해서 연료량, 오토미션의 오일압력, 킥다운 등을 관장하는 센서인데, 이것은 고장나면 출력값이 '0' 이 되는게 아니라 한 지점에서 고정되어 버립니다. 오디오 볼륨 조정과 비슷하다고 보면됩니다. 고장나면 일정 출력값만 내보내기 때문에 언덕에서 고단에서 저단으로의 자동 기어변속이 원활하지 못해 힘이 딸리는 것으로 보이기도 합니다. 
고장이 발생하면 보통 기어 변속시, 특히 R로 변속할때 '쿵'하는 변속충격이 생깁니다. 

3만킬로 부근의 주행거리를 가진 차라면 쓰로틀 바디에 카본누적, 연료필터 오염등은 예상하기 힘들고 아마도 센서류의 이상일 것으로 생각됩니다. 위에 것들 말고도 다양한 센서들이 많이 있습니다. 
센서 고장은 부품값이 생각외로 저렴합니다. 대부분 5만원이하 입니다. 

동네 카센터 보다는 장비가 제대로 갖춰진 현대자동차 정비사업소에 한번 들어가보시는게 좋을 것 같습니다. 실력없는 카센터나 프랜차이즈 가시면 엔진 클리닝부터 하자고 덤빌겁니다. 

 2009-07-30 10:01:30

두번째 말씀해주신 R변속시 '쿵'하는 충격이 있습니다~ -_-'' 
현차 정비사업소에 함 가봐야겠네요 흑~

 2009-07-30 10:51:24

정비하기 전까지 rpm을 3000 이상 절대로 올리지 마세요. 미션 슬립으로 미션통째로 나가는 경우도 있습니다. TPS센서는 그냥 스캐너만 물려서는 확인이 잘 안되고, 악셀을 밟았다 땠다 반복하면서 출력값이 변화가 있는지 확인해야 정확하게 알 수 있습니다. 부품값은 4만원 정도할 겁니다.

 2009-07-30 09:42:09

요새는 센터 들어가서, 뭐 찍어보면 다 나오던데요.. 
피스톤압부터 해서... 그냥 주~욱 다나오던데요.. 뭐가 문제인지 요즘은 찍으니(?)깐 대충 감을 잡으시던데..

 2009-07-30 10:02:08

주말에 정비센터 입고시켜야겠습니다 -_-''

 2009-07-30 11:44:25

현대 직영 정비소는 주말에 안합니다.. 

거긴 철저하게 주 5일 근무 하더군요.. 퇴근도 칼퇴근..

 2009-07-30 10:03:10

원래 XD오토가 좀 무겁고 굼뜬 느낌이 듭니다. 에어컨 켜면 더하죠... 

큰문제가 아닌 원래 그렇다라는 답변을 들을수 있을거 같습니다.

 2009-07-30 10:52:51

제 경우는 점화프러그 1개가 때가 많이 껴서..고 RPM으로 올라가야지만 점화가 되던 현상이 있었습니다. 
3000rpm까지는 엄청 굼뜨다가..3000 넘기면서 평소 파워가 나오면서 쭉~ 치고나가는... 플러그 케이블 교체하니 잘 나거더군요. 
당시 4000rpm 1단으로 주차장 올라갔던 기억이..

 2009-07-30 11:39:27

주행거리가 어느정도 이신지요... 

보통 아방XD경우.. 9만을 전후해서 미션이 자주 나가더군요.. 

저도 얼마전 미션이 나가서 교체한.. 

아니면 펄스제네레이터 고장일수도 있습니다.. 

만약 2단고정이라면..

 2009-07-30 12:41:52

아방 오토 언덕올라갈때 원래 힘이없어요.. 오토가 기름도 많이 먹고 언덕에서 완전히 쥐약입니다. 

제가 보기에는 차에는 특별히 문제가 없고, 원래 그런차로 알고 있습니다.

 2009-07-30 13:50:09

제 차도 같은 느낌인데.... SM3 (2008년 11월 구입 ) 7000KM ... 

어떤경우죠???????? 저도 원래 그런차 인가요??????????? -_-;;

07년 09월에 구입해서 이제 삼만팔천찬 흰둥이 2WD 오토입니다....

저번달 말에 오일갈고, 연료필터 갈았는데... 얼마전부터, 시동후에 악셀을 밟아도 차가 반응이 없어지는 겁니다....
그럭저럭 그냥저냥 타고 다녔는데...언덕이 아니면 우선 차가 가기는 했거든요...
오늘 롯데백확점 노원점 갔다가, 지하에서 올라오는 길에... 차가 안나가서 고생고생해서 간신히 탈출했습니다.
악셀을 밟아도 RPM이 올라가지를 않고, 그렇다고 차가 나가는것도 아니고, 브레이크 밝고, 악셀 꽉 밟고, 브레이크 띠고, 해서
간신히 올라왔습니다. 그리고, 밖에 나와서도, 여전히 반응이....
아주 안나가는것은 아니고, 악셀을 밟으면, 아주 천천히 반응이 와서 한참 느려지고, 또 가속이 좀 되서, 속도를 올리려 해도 속도가 안올라 가고,,,,,.
많은 고수, 선배님들 무엇이 문제일까요... 검색해보니, EGR밸브 말씀이 많으신데....

P상태에서 악셀을 밟아도 2500이상은 올라가질 안네요...지금 해보고 왔는데....

선배님들의 조언 부탁드립니다..

 글쓴이가 작성한 다른 게시물

추천 0 0 비추천
[전]쭈[광주] 2010.05.30. 20:30
저는 뫼루님 같은 현상과 비슷한데요 전 갑자기 오르막길 올라가는데 rpm안올라가더라구요.. 근데 갑자기 또 돼더라구요.. 그래도 오토큐 갓더니 증상이 없어서.. 동광주 사업소 들어갔더니 고쳐주시더라구요.. 오래돼서 기억이 잘안나지만.. 사업소 들어가서 업데이트인가 해주고 하니.. 쌩쌩하더라구요 ..ㅋ
[레벨:2][서경]뫼루 2010.05.30. 20:36
전]쭈[광주]님..감사합니다... 제차는 다시 정상적으로 되는게 아니라...지금도 확인해보고 왔는데 계속 그러네요...
시동후 출발해도 차가 나가지를 안네요...에휴..
[전]쭈[광주] 2010.05.30. 21:11
서경님 증상은 저랑 비슷합니다.. 일단 사업소에 전화해서 a/s받으심. 댑니다.. 전 06년12월식 리밋인데 작년에 무상으로 수리받았습니다.. 내부 엔진쪽은 a/s기간이 틀린가바여.. 빨리 연락해서 사업소 가셔야합니다.. ^^
우혀니아빠 2010.05.30. 22:45
터빈님께서 사망 하신거 가튼데..ㅜ.ㅜ 암튼 빨리 점검 받으시길 바랍니다
[레벨:2][서경]뫼루 2010.05.31. 20:52
해결됬습니다.... 오일 갈면서... 에어클리너에서 엔진으로 연결되는 밸브(지름 10cm)를 제대로 안 연결했네요...에휴
[레벨:3]인천공장장 2010.06.02. 14:19
다행이네요 오일도 맘대로 못가는 더러운세상이네 ㅎㅎ| 복제된 문서입니다. (원본) http://www.kiasportage.net/4709015
  • 셔터헹복2016/04/09 13:55:09
    왠지 점화플러그 교환하라는 분 나올것 같다는....
  • 물22016/04/09 13:59:17
    디젤이면.. 인젝터, 고압펌프, 흡배기크리닝, 등등요...ㄷㄷ
  • the color2016/04/09 14:51:52
    [물2]인젝션 펌프 가격 ㅎㄷㄷ 합니다. 
    인젝터 역시구요. 
    공임두 쎄구요.
    CRDI 최대 단점이, 너무 물에 약합니다.

    예전 부란잔 Oring 만 갈면, 10년 타는데 .... 

    일단 매연 나오면, EGR 벨브 체크, 흡기 체크 ... 스켄 후 인젝션 펌프, 혹은 인젝터 부터 손델지 결정하시구요.
  • 자두맛담배2016/04/09 13:59:33
    속도 입출력 센서 점검 받아보세요
  • 수퍼빠월~2016/04/09 14:04:59
    인젝터클리닝이랑 흡기라인 카본제거요....에어필터에서 터빈연결되는 인테이크라인 만져보셔서 말랑말랑해졌다면 교환이요
  • 그곳이알고싶다2016/04/09 14:09:02
    거참 튼실하네요..
  • [6D]키작은소년2016/04/09 14:20:43
    엔진 오바홀 흡배기 클리닝 쓰로틀 교체 점화플러그교체 앤짐펌프교체...
  • [6D]키작은소년2016/04/09 14:21:06
    [[6D]키작은소년]연료펌프 ㄷ ㄷ ㄷ
  • 달아나2016/04/09 14:28:36
    페달한번 확인해 보세요.접점이 안좋을수도 있으니~~
  • RedDevils2016/04/09 14:29:42
    비슷한 증상으로 터보교체.
    터보나갔다면 돈깨지는 소리가 들립니다.
  • 코어리스2016/04/09 14:31:16
    제가 예전에 그랬습니다. 혹시 최근에 엔진오일 갈았나요? 엥진오일이 과도하면 그렇더라구요
    저도 다시 카센타 가서 오일 조금 빼니까 바로 정상 동작 ㅠㅠㅠ 얼마나.식겁했는지...
  • 사진접었어요2016/04/09 14:31:24
    배기쪽을 한번 살펴 보시는게...제차(그랜드스타렉스)를 겨울에 추워서 공회전을 많이 시켰는데...
    저런 현상이 발생했었습니다...
  • Jane&Jessie2016/04/09 14:32:36
    같은 증상 호소했더니 센터에서 두말없이 egr 갈아주더군요.
    투싼 vgt입니다.
  • 폭풍연사2016/04/09 14:35:56
    평소타던차가아니라서 엑셀감이없거든요
    쌔리밟으면 어느정도나가긴 나가니 문제없다고얘기합니다
  • D2H/소영&둥이¶㉿2016/04/09 14:42:14
    ^^ 제일 간단한건 가속페달 가속센서 나가서 그렇습니다. 접촉불량.. 얼마안하니 부품사서 교환하세요.. 

    음.. 아마도 패달 앗세이로 나올꺼 같은 불길한 예감.. ㅠㅠ
  • snail792016/04/09 14:43:05
    투싼ix고요. 동일 증상으로 터보 차져 불량이었습니다. 보증기간 내;;라 비용은 안들었지만,
    고속도로에서 탄력주행으로 근근이 버티던 생각하면 후덜덜하네요.
  • 걸어서독도까지2016/04/09 15:26:27
    미미라고있어요 점검해보세요
  • 보일러박사2016/04/09 16:07:37
    세월에 장사 없지예 .

    수리 하자면 고 비용 이고 

    알고 타면 사고 예방은 돼죠

    그나저나 이쁜 츠자도 봐야 하고 집중이 않돼여 ^^

    감사 해요 ^^
  • 브르스Lee2016/04/09 16:10:01
    터보챠져 상단에 vgt진공엑츄레이터가 가끔 고착되면
    가속이 안될수 있습니다 엑츄레이터만 따로 교체가안되면
    터보어셈블리로 교환해야됩니다.
  • 정&별파파2016/04/09 17:04:52
    07년 스포티지 동일증상 EGR밸브 교체 했습니다.

Posted by 돈오돈오