Small dungeons inhabited by a greater evil just waiting for you to enter its realm. Prepare well before entering an uberquest area.

1/8 Creature of Flame

Hatred : 60
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

Ancient Tunnels (Lost City)

Horazon the Summoner summoned a powerful demonlord that was too strong and overwhelmed him. He managed to trap it in his arcane sanctuary, but could not defeat it and it almost killed him. To save his own life, Horazon split off the prison zone from the rest of his sanctuary and banished it to earth where it now sits in a subterranean dimension. Breaking in and defeating the demon may yield great rewards.

Heed the familiar's holographic warning. The Creature of Flame ignores a percentage of all attacks and strikes with the force of a collapsing mountain, killing the unwary adventurer instantly. Luckily, the enemy of your enemy is nearby. The Astral Guardians protecting the area will defend it from the likes of you, but their magical attack phases you into the astral plane, weakening you to subsequent magical damage but also granting immunity to physical damage. This is exactly what you need to protect you from the Creature of Flame's physical death touch.

Defeat the Creature of Flame on Destruction difficulty to get Horazon's Focus.

Horazon's Focus
Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
Required Level: 40
(3 to 5)% Life stolen per Hit
(3 to 5)% Mana stolen per Hit
-50 Defense
+(21 to 25) to all Attributes


In older versions of Median XL, this encounter did not have the death touch mechanic. The increased difficulty may come as a surprise.


쉽다.  로스트 시티에 돌아다니다 보면.. 사막가운데 판으로 덮힌 구멍이 있는데.. 여기로 가면 된다.

거의 맛보기 처럼 간단히 해결가능.



2/8 Infernal Machine

Hatred : 65
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

The Pit Level 2 (Tamoe Highland)

Who knew the fallen clans were technologically adept? This rickety contraption contains wooden clockwork mechanisms and the necessary runes to open a gateway to any location in the Burning Hells. This enables it to summon hellish creatures at a rapid rate. Move quickly, because time is against you.

The tower summons a selection of dangerous elite monsters. Try to reach it as quickly as possible, avoiding or teleporting past elites. Beware the elites with a slowing attack: Marbled Frog, Basilisk and Unseelie Dame.

Defeat the Infernal Machine on Destruction difficulty to get the Optical Detector.

Optical Detector
Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
Required Level: 60
+200 Crafting Points
+2 to Light Radius



조금 어려운데... 타워의 위치가 중요하다.

타워가 입구에서 너무 멀리 반대쪽에 있으면.. 접근하는 동안 적이 너무 많이 생겨서 불가능한 게임이 된다.

다시 시작하길 반복해보면.. 타워가 입구에 바짝 붙어서 위치하는 경우가 있다. 이때.. 가까이 들러붙어서 소환병들을 불러내면.. 타워가 적을 많이 소환하지 못하게 되어서.. 좀 수월하게 끝낼수 있다.

즉... 어려우면 다시 시작하면 된다.


3/8 Death Projector

Hatred : 70
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

Swampy Pit Level 3 (Flayer Jungle)

The Swampy Pit serves as testing grounds for Mephisto's latest siege weapon. The Death Projector slowly rotates, firing a devastating energy beam in a full circle, annihilating anything in its path.

The siege tower is tended to by trained Zakarumite techpriests. Its magitech shield is impenetrable to all weapons, but when it senses a Mechanic nearby, it lowers its shield to enable maintenance. In this state, the Death Projector can be damaged, though its fortified outer shell still harmlessly deflects a percentage of all incoming attacks. The Mechanics themselves carry portable gap generators and are impossible to hit or kill. Damage the Death Projector while avoiding Mechanics until the devilish device finally falls.

Defeat the Death Projector on Destruction difficulty to get the Laser Focus Crystal.

Laser Focus Crystal
Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
Required Level: 80
Increase Maximum Life 10%
Increase Maximum Mana 10%
+(6 to 15)% to Experience Gained



약간의 요령이 필요..   검은 병사들은 불사신이라서 상대하느라 시간 소모할 필요없다.. 오히려 소환병과 시체토템으로 복도에 정체시켜두기 좋다. .. 죽음의 레이져는 정해진 방향으로만 오므로.. 대략 외곽으로 넓게 돌면 맞지 않는다. 그리고.. 검은 병사들이 프로젝터 주변에 있어야.. 절대방어가 해제되므로 너무 멀리 검은병사들을 유인해선 안된다..



 프로젝터의 위 아래에는 이렇게 사각이 존재한다.

여기에 잘 숨어서 왔다갔다하면서 프로젝터를 꺠면 된다..


포털을 열어두고 왔다갔다하면서 서서히 제거할 수 도 있다.



4/8 Azmodan

Hatred : 75
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

Forgotten Reliquary (Upper Kurast)

The Lord of Sin walks the earth. In his weakened state, he hides in the catacombs of Kurast, feasting on the dark rituals of Mephisto's chosen. Destroy him before he becomes a threat.

Azmodan is accompanied by a legion of elites and emits a black magic aura that grants unholy invulnerability to nearby demons and 50% all resistances to himself. The tight confines of the temple area make it hard to get past the immortal monsters blocking your way and reach Azmodan himself. He should be easy to kill in his weakened state, but beware his powerful Pentagram attack which may require maximum fire resistance to survive.

Defeat Azmodan on Destruction difficulty to get Azmodan's Heart.

Azmodan's Heart
Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
Required Level: 100
All Resists +(31 to 40)%
+5% to All Maximum Resistances
Reduces Vendor Prices 10%


2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction difficulty. Cube the trophy with the charm for a small bonus.



상당히 어렵다. 생명력을 높이는 세팅을 하고 나서.. 우선.. 버틸 수 있다면 방의 제일 아랫쪽 끝까지 들어가본다.


 네크로 시체 토템을 계속 만들면서 버티다보니.. 올레지가 풀리는 놈들이 있는데..계속 죽이다보면 수가 좀 줄어든다.  적의 쪽수가 줄 면.. 그 위쪽의 방에 가서 버티다보면 아즈모단이 맞아서 죽는다.

아즈모단은 면역이 없기 때문에 약하지만.. 적이 너무 많아서 일점사가 참으로 어렵다..

네크는 산탄 마법이 있으므로 꽤 도움이 된다. ..

아마도 소환퀘스트를 다 마치고 인벤토리 아이템을 챙겨둬서 업그레이드가 되어야만 해볼수 있는 듯 하다.


5/8 Rathma Square

Hatred : 80
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

Ruined Fane (Kurast Causeway)

Back in the days when Kurast was the centre of civilisation and black magic was not yet frowned upon, this was where the priests of Rathma - the necromancers - practiced their art. The place was abandoned when the religion of Zakarum took over the city and banned pagan magic, making it the perfect hiding place for an ancient evil bent on taking out the Church from within. Primus, son of Mephisto, was the leader of the Cult of the Triune in ages past before its destruction. His efforts to rebuild the Triune were shut down by the crusaders of Zakarum, but he remains a formidable foe, doubly so in the home city of the Zakarum.

Primus himself is not particularly hard, despite his powerful ranged Bladestorm attack. The blades track your position, but do less damage than his normal attack and can be avoided, blocked and dodged. His guard dogs are the real challenge. After several millennia in and around Rathma Square, his Gore Crawlers can raise themselves from the dead. Shattering the corpse does not stop this, but the resurrection takes 10 seconds, during which you can attempt to run away and ditch them.

On Destruction difficulty, Primus drops the Spirit Trance Herb (1/6 chance).

Spirit Trance Herb
Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
Required Level: 100
10% Increased Attack Speed
10% Faster Cast Rate
(21 to 150)% Bonus to Attack Rating
Regenerate Life +(11 to 40)


2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction difficulty. Cube the trophy with the charm for a small bonus.



==> 조금 알면 쉽다.

고어란 놈들은 죽여도.. 그 자리에서 다시 재생한다.

시체를 토템으로 소모해도 생겨나는듯하다.

하지만... 소환수로 가득채워서 원거리 사격으로 제거하면서 진행하면 된다.

그리고.. 유튜브 영상을 보고 알았지만... 입구에서 왼쪽(화면의 오른위쪽방향)으로 나가서 내려가면 아래쪽으로 방이 있는데 여기에 주인공이 있다. 방안에 안들어가도 된다. 그냥 입구에서 산탄 마법 화살을 쏟아붇고 나면 끝.



위의 보라색 네모의 자리에 서서아래쪽 방향으로 갈겨대면.. 어느순간 적이 죽어있다. 아이템만 주으면 된다.


6/8 Cathedral of Vanity

Hatred : 85
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

Underground Passage Level 2

According to religious myth, the mortal plane – Sanctuary – was created by the fallen angel Inarius and the demon Lilith to serve as a refuge from the Eternal War. The two created a race of servants from the earth which were to worship them for all eternity. However, humanity broke free from its shackles when a small group of farmers rediscovered their birthright and ancient powers inherited from their supernatural parents. As the edyrem army grew, Inarius descended into megalomanic madness and was eventually destroyed along with his golden cathedral of vanity. It is whispered that the ghosts of Inarius and his closest worshippers still roam the cathedral…

The Crystal Ball is the last of the cathedral’s magical defences. The tower exudes a holy invulnerability shield to protect nearby revelers and casts a searing beam of angelic lightning that destroys anything it touches. Destroy the Crystal Ball to dispel the immortality from the other enemies.

Defeat Inarius on Destruction difficulty to get the Idol of Vanity.

Idol of Vanity
Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
Required Level: 100
15% Increased Attack Speed
15% Faster Cast Rate
15% Faster Hit Recovery
15% Faster Block Rate
15% Faster Run/Walk
Cannot Be Frozen


2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction difficulty. Cube the trophy with the charm for a small bonus.

Bonus quest
Inarius' cathedral of vanity was ultimately destroyed by Mephisto, and Inarius and his followers were captured, mutilated and deformed to grotesque Overlords to serve the forces of Hell. One may be able to summon the tormented ghost of Inarius, defeat him and steal his power...



토템처럼 생긴 수정구슬이 제단 앞에 있다. 여기서 나오는 죽음의 광선은 Death projector나 마찬가지다.

이걸 피하거나.. 제단같은 은폐물 뒤에 있어야 하는데..

컨트롤이 안되는 나는 안된다..



7/8 Toraja

Hatred : 90
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

Abaddon (Frigid Highlands)

Now nothing more than overgrown ruins, Toraja once stood proud as a medium-sized city in ancient times, and has become legendary as the city where the nephalem Uldyssian recruited most of his edyrem to spearhead the uprising against the infernal Cult of the Triune. This battle is where the time portal leads you. Aid the edyrem in their battle against Lilith and the Triune’s minions.

Because you are not directly allowed to interfere with the flow of time, you cannot damage the enemies at all. Bring the Crystalline Flame Medallion which you acquired during the Judgment Day uberquest and use its special ability to summon a batallion of edyrem, fighter-mages who have the ability to dispel the immortality wards off the enemies. Although they are vulnerable to the supernatural onslaught of the Triune, they have the power to cast an invulnerability shield of their own, allowing them to close in and remove the immunities. Defend them well and lead your army of edyrem to victory!

On Destruction difficulty, when you kill Lilith, you have 30 seconds to cube the Crystalline Flame Medallion with an Arcane Crystal to upgrade it.

Crystalline Flame Medallion + Arcane Crystal -> returns Crystalline Flame Medallion w/ added bonuses


This upgrade recipe adds the following bonuses:

Maximum Skill Level Increased by 1
All Resists +10%
Regenerate Life +100


Toraja on Destruction difficulty is the only place in the game where you can find the following three Great Runes. These runes are required for the most powerful runewords.

Krys Level
Weapons : Target Takes Additional Damage of 100
Armor : Target Takes Additional Damage of 25
Shields : Target Takes Additional Damage of 25
Auhe Level
Weapons : Regenerate Mana +15%
Armor : Regenerate Mana +5%
Shields : Regenerate Mana +5%
Sha'ad Level
Weapons : +30% Enhanced Damage
Armor : +30% Enhanced Defense
Shields : +30% Enhanced Defense

8/8 Vizjun

Hatred : 95
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

Disused Fane (Kurast Bazaar)

Vizjun, the mechanised home city of the Viz-Jaq'Taar buit on the ruins of a magical war, recently ran into a major system error. The artificial intelligence, the Master Control System seems to have developed evil sentience as Diablo approached. The computer then constructed a large army of robots to take over the city, its missile silos and from there the world. Those seeking to retake the compound will have to contend with its arsenal of combat drones, minefields and electro-pulse generators.

Vizjun features melee robots, laser robots and machine-bolter robots. You should know what to do by now. But watch your step: Vizjun's automated defences will periodically deploy additional robots, chaingun sentries, minefields and even nuclear MIRV strikes when you enter the protected zone. The computer voice warns you of any incoming attack. The level boss, MCS has plasma interference shields and is invulnerable to normal damage. To destroy it, use the handy Purify skill you acquired in Duncraig. A few shots should be enough.

Defeat the MCS on Destruction difficulty to get the Cold Fusion Schematics.

Cold Fusion Schematics
Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
Required Level: 100
5% Chance to cast level 10 Time Strike on striking
100% Chance to cast level 59 Blast Wave when you Die
+(11 to 50) to Strength
+(11 to 50) to Dexterity
+(11 to 50) to Vitality
+(11 to 50) to Energy


2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction difficulty. Cube the trophy with the charm for a small bonus.

Drop Bias
Increased chance to drop jewels.











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