Saṃsāra or Sangsāra (Sanskrit: संसार) (in Tibetan called 'khor ba (pronounced kɔrwɔ [IPA] in many Tibetan dialects), meaning "continuous flow"), is the repeating cycle of birth, life and death (reincarnation) within Hinduism, Buddhism, Bön, Jainism, and Taoism (Lingbao School),[1] In Sikhism this concept is slightly different and looks at one's actions in the present and consequences in the present.

According to the view of these religions, a person's current life is only one of many—stretching back before birth into past existences and reaching forward beyond death into future incarnations. During the course of each life the quality of the actions (karma) performed determine the future destiny of each person. The Buddha taught that there is no beginning to this cycle but that it can be ended through perceiving reality. The goal of these religions is to realize this truth, the achievement of which (like ripening of a fruit) is moksha or liberation. In popular use, Samsara [a westernized spelling] may refer to the world (in the sense of the various worldly activities which occupy ordinary, ignorant human beings), the various sufferings thereof; or (mistakenly) the unsettled and agitated mind through which reality is perceived.[citation needed]







이 다큐는 이 세상의 모든 것들의 대비되는 모습들을 보여준다.

그것은 무상의 이치..


우주를 바닥에 색모래로 그려내고..

지우는 수도승들의 모습은..

뭔가.. 큰 감흥을 준다.


별다른 나레이션도 없지만..

무엇을 말하는지 잘 알겠다.


세계와 인생의 참 의미를 생각하고, 고민하는 분들에게 추천한다.

Posted by 돈오돈오