
[필독서] 롤로 메이의 책들- 창조와 용기

돈오돈오 2014. 5. 29. 23:25


ROLLO MAY (1909-1994)
was an American existential psychologist and author of the influential book LOVE AND WILL (1969). Along with Viktor Frankl, May was a major proponent of "existential psychotherapy," which seeks to analyze the structure of human existence with the aim of understanding the reality underlying all situations of humans in crises.

The following books are a mix of ePUB and/or PDF formats:

* THE COURAGE TO CREATE (Norton, 1994) -- ePUB

* THE CRY FOR MYTH (Norton, 1991) -- ePUB

* THE DISCOVERY OF BEING: Writings in Existential Psychology (Norton, 1983) -- ePUB + PDF

* EXISTENCE: A New Dimension in Psychiatry and Psychology (Basic Books, 1958). Edited by Rollo May, Ernest Angel, and Henri F. Ellenberger. -- PDF

* FREEDOM AND DESTINY (Norton, 1981) -- ePUB

* LOVE AND WILL (Norton, 1969) -- ePUB

* MAN'S SEARCH FOR HIMSELF (Norton, 1981) -- ePUB








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