서울지방경찰청 마약수사대가 2월 15일 속칭 '물뽕'이라 불리는 신종마약 GHB를 제조한 혐의(마약류관리에관한법률 위반)로 회사원 안모(30)씨를 구속했다고 합니다.

환경설비업체 직원인 안씨는 인터넷 포털사이트에서 'GHB' 제조법을 알아낸 뒤 회사 사업자등록증을 도용해 거래처로부터 GBL(감마부티로락톤) 등 원료를 구입, GHB 842g을 제조했다고 합니다. 인터넷 사이트에 'GHB를 술잔에 넣으면 작업 성공률 100%' 같은 문구로 사람들에게 광고하여 고등학생을 포함한 28명에게 약을 팔았다고 합니다.

GHB는 여성이 알코올과 함께 복용할 경우 최음 효과를 내면서 의식을 잃게 되는 마약으로 주로 성범죄에 악용돼 미국에서는 '데이트 강간 마약'(Date Rape Drug)으로 불린다고 합니다.  국내에서는 2001년 마약류로 분류돼 법으로 금지하고 있습니다.

Party Drugs - GHB (aka GBH)

GHB is primarily a depressant of the central nervous system. Some of the slang names for GHB include Liquid Ecstasy, Georgia Home Boy and G. GHB is produced in various ways. They are produced in capsule forms, white powder, clear liquid and tablet form. GHB has no odor and is colorless. This drug is described as having a salty taste. That being said, many times it is diluted with water or other liquids and that makes it almost completely undetectable. In most cases, GHB is produced in private homes. In many cases, they are produced using kits that can be purchased online. GHB is made up of the ingredients sodium hydroxide (or possibly potassium hydroxide) and mixed with GBL. These ingredients are used in drain cleaners and solvents used to strip floors.

How is GHB used? When the drug is in a powder form, it is quite easy to measure a dose. When it is a liquid, there is a wide range of concentrations. That results in a single dose that could be a few drops or it could be a full glass. GHB has been used by a number of body builders to help promote the growth of muscles. GHB is also considered to be a recreational drug, primarily among people who frequent raves and other parties..

What are some of the short term effects of GHB? When small amounts are taken of this drug, it is known that it will help reduce anxiety and also help a person relax. However, when it is combines with other types of drugs, it can produce bad effects such as nausea, and difficulty breathing. It can also cause anxiety, sweating, tremors and bad effects from withdrawal.

What are some of the long term effects of using GHB? Over time, if the user increases the doses that are ingested, this will first result in sleep and then later it could result in com and even death. GHB has been in the news quite a bit because some have used it as a so-called 'date rape' drug. This drug can be easily put into someone's drink because it has no taste and no odor.

Signs And Symptoms

  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Unconsciousness
  • Memory loss
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Seizures
  • Coma

Some Street Names

  • G
  • Grievous Bodily Harm
  • Gook
  • Easy Lay
  • Vita-G
  • G Juice

찾아보니.. 실제로..  약간 짠맛이 나는 이 약은 희석되면.. 거의 맛을 느낄 수 없군요..
그리고 잘못쓰거나 장기복용하면 경련을 일으키거나 호흡고란, 혼수상태, 또는 사망에 이를 수 있는 위험한 약입니다..

여자를 꼬시기 위해서 이런 약을 쓰시는 분들..

자제하세요.. 밀고 당기는 맛이 없는 연애를 하거나, 육욕에만 매달리면..
얻는 것도 없고.. 인생 망칠 수도 있습니다.
그리고.. 이 약을 써서 여자를 어떻게 해보겠다는 당신...

그리고 남자랑 술마시러 가시는 분들.. 왠만하면 술마시다가 화장실 가지 마시고..
잔에서 약간의 짠맛이 나거나 뭔가 앙금이 있다면.. 잔을 바꿔 드세요..

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